Ask anyone which country has the highest animal welfare standards in the world, and their answer will likely be, “My country has the highest animal welfare standards! I only buy my meat from where I live”.
The most extensive research has been published by one of the oldest established farmer associations in the world. We can now reveal with certainty which country provides the best care for their farmed animals and how it compares to your country.
An unsurprising winner…
Your country was found to have the highest animal welfare standards globally, beating the likes your neighbouring country, the one you hate or even the one you love that isn’t your country.
The winner was revealed in the latest report published by the Global Meat, Dairy and Eggs Association of Your Country.
One example of your country’s animal welfare standard is the separation of newborns calves from their mothers. The country supports this practice to stop cows from crushing their baby. If the calf is male and therefore deemed a waste product of the dairy industry, your country allows farmers to send them for slaughter at a very young age to make veal out of them.
Other examples of welfare standards can be found in the report, confirming that your country is a global leader in animal welfare.
The findings aren’t surprising. Farmers of your country have always been praised for their high level of care toward their animals. If other countries had to follow the example of one country when it comes to animal welfare, your country would be that country.
Your country definitely has the best standards 👍